Category: Code Snippets

  • Everyday Efficiency: PHP 8 Techniques for WordPress Engineers

    As a software engineer navigating the daily challenges of WordPress development, embracing the latest tools and tricks is essential to staying efficient and effective. In this post, I want to share three PHP 8 tricks I incorporate into my everyday tasks as a software engineer working on WordPress projects. When PHP 8.0 was released, I…

  • PHP 8.0 – 4 new features in this latest version

    PHP 8.0 – 4 new features in this latest version

    New PHP major versions are always very expected by PHP developers, we already know good things coming when a new release is announced. This time we have a lot of performance improvements and new features that improve our code, using modern programming methods in a badass old-school language. Besides those new features and recommendations, I…

  • Stock Sync – How to sync products in a WooCommerce Multisite

    There are a lot of reasons to use the Multisite feature on a WordPress environment – the challenge is when we need to synchronize information between them. Same database, but different tables, languages and product stocks are great examples of common data between all websites. Let’s start from the beginning. What is WordPress Multisite? Using…