Category: WordPress
4 Reasons to stop your freelance work right now and make your website
One day I had a meeting with a potencial client. He was own a sports/health club company. And that guy dressed with a sport’s suit asked me: So you are a web agency… But you’re website is just a spaceship video as a background (true)… And you don’t have a Mac too!! So… Is this…
Add to Google Calendar Button – Contact Form 7 (CF7)
Hi folks! My first plugin for WordPress is available now on WP plugin repository! Install, test and try to hack.Don’t forget to give me a review 🙂
WordPress is definitely a secure CMS?
When I studied Digital Marketing in university, sometime in 2015, WordPress was presented as a cool, opensource and easy to learn CMS (Content Management System) for a website – but still low in security. Even so, nowadays WP is the most used CMS in the world – with around 30% of all the websites. So……
Welcome Universe and WordPress Gurus!
Hi folks! I’m launching today my personal website – where I will write about WordPress stuff and Web subjects in general. As a professional, I’m a Web Developer focused on WordPress on the last months and a few days ago I started my first plugin to WordPress community :)) I have my own company –…